- abdominal pains
- боли в животе
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. ramix. 2012.
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. ramix. 2012.
Abdominal pain — can be one of the symptoms associated with transient disorders or serious disease. Making a definitive diagnosis of the cause of abdominal pain can be difficult, because many diseases can result in this symptom. Abdominal pain is a common problem … Wikipedia
abdominal — abdominally, adv. /ab dom euh nl/, adj. 1. of, in, on, or for the abdomen: abdominal wall; abdominal pains. n. 2. Usually, abdominals. Informal. the abdominal muscles. [1740 50; < L abdomin , s. of abdomen ABDOMEN + AL1] * * * … Universalium
abdominal — adjective abdominal pains Syn: gastric, intestinal, stomach, stomachic, enteric, duodenal, visceral, celiac, ventral … Thesaurus of popular words
Socialized Medicine's Aches and Pains — ▪ 2001 by Bryan Christie After a detailed examination by the World Health Organization (WHO) to assess the standards, responsiveness, and effectiveness of health systems in 191 countries, France was judged to have the best health care… … Universalium
mittelschmerz — Abdominal pains that occur midway between menstrual periods and which are caused either by ovulation or the normal short pre ovulatory surge of estrogen … Herbal-medical glossary
Colic — An attack of crying and apparent abdominal pain in early infancy. This is a common condition, occurring in about 1 in every 10 babies. Colic is characterized by episodes of irritability, loud crying, and what appears to be abdominal pain with the … Medical dictionary
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome — Classification and external resources ICD 10 N98.1 ICD 9 xxx … Wikipedia
Antimalarial drug — Antimalarial drugs are designed to prevent or cure malaria. Some antimalarial agents, particularly chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, are also used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and lupus associated arthritis. There are many of these… … Wikipedia
Nonpoint source water pollution regulations in the United States — Nonpoint source (NPS) water pollution regulations are environmental regulations that restrict or limit water pollution from diffuse or nonpoint effluent sources such as polluted runoff from agricultural areas in a river catchments or wind borne… … Wikipedia
Rumination syndrome — Classification and external resources A … Wikipedia
Боли в области живота и таза — Боль неприятное чувство, связанное с действительным или возможным повреждением тканей или описанное в терминах этого повреждения (определение Международной ассоциации по изучению боли). Боли в области живота и таза МКБ 10 R10.10. Содержание … Википедия